The AMR Industry Alliance report was interpreted by some as saying that GSK
and J&J are leading the effort in the fight against resistance. I did not interpret it that way. The report did say that both companies are
opening some of their data to public collaborations – but that does not mean
they are ahead in the fight against resistance. In my own view of the industry
in this regard, there are companies like Entasis with both strong clinical and
preclinical efforts that probably deserve better ratings than GSK and J&J.
One clear message from both Drive AB and from the AMR
Industry Alliance was that pull incentives are desperately needed and that,
there, no one has seen much progress.
Yes – there has been a lot of writing in many publications, position
papers, white papers. Folks like us have been talking among ourselves. My friend John Rex keeps saying that ten years ago we never dreamed we would be having these conversations - and he is right. But in terms of concrete action – no one is
seeing anything.

The AMR Industry Alliance called on all stakeholders to “move
beyond statements of intent and to take concrete action to address AMR.” Amen. Of course, it has not been like there
has been no action. We have a good deal
of money for push incentives – take CARB-X
as an example. But when it comes to the strategy that will be the most costly
and yet is the most desperately needed, pull incentives, we are nowhere.
The antibiotics market is broken. It requires financial
intervention in the form of pull incentives to assure the continued availability of new antibiotics active
against ever-emerging resistant pathogens. Without this intervention we will
all be stuck talking to ourselves on the deck of a very large Titanic.
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