I just came back from Boston and the annual meeting of BAARN – the Boston Area Antibiotic
Resistance Network symposium held at the Broad Institute. The meeting was interesting but the atmosphere
was funereal. Many of those losing their
jobs with the closure of Cubist’s research center in Lexington, Mass were there
as were many whose jobs are threatened at AZ’s facility in Waltham, Mass. One
major topic of discussion during the breaks was – where will all the antibiotic
research go? If, as I have been saying for years, we need to train academic
antibiotic researchers in industry – what is left in Boston to address this
need? Cubist is gone. AZ -
well – see below. Novartis has moved its team out to California where they rest
in some sort of extra-dimensional limbo between their desire to find new
products and their company’s desire to have nothing to do with antibiotics.
This is definitely NOT the way to assure a robust pipeline of antibiotics for
our future. This is the road to

Since I have worked with two spin-offs, Nabriva from
Sandoz/Novartis and Novexel from Sanofi-Aventis, I think I can speak with some
perspective here. First, it is terribly
important that the new company be completely independent from the “mother
ship.” That means – no rights to current or future assets or potential products
that go to or come from the new company.
It means no exclusive manufacturing agreements or obligations with the
new company. It means no board position
at all or only a minority position. The board for the new company should be a
balanced one with an independent chairman, a couple of independent board members
and the investors who vote decisions based on their shares.
Today, I spoke with a highly placed and knowledgeable source
at AstraZeneca about their plans for their spin-off. So far, AZ is providing
all of the $40 million in funding to establish the new company. No formal
agreements are yet in place. No officers for the new company have yet been
designated. There are no outside investors. The new company will be comprised,
initially, of about 20 employees derived from those remaining at AZ in Waltham.
They will grow to about 30 over the first year or so. Clearly, the current
structure is completely incompatible with the principles I have listed above.
In spite of this, my source assures me that AZ’s goal for the spin off is as I
have described above. Are you confused
AZ now maintains and apparently wants to continue to maintain
an important share of the company. Their goal is to share the risk but also to
share the upside. In other words, they
want their cake and they want to eat it too. In my view, AZ will be unable to
attract any outside investors under these circumstances. Their only choice at this point is either to
try and sell their shares to bring themselves down to a very minority position
(15-20%) or to quickly raise a second round of funding sufficient to accomplish
that. I think the latter is very
unlikely as well until more assets enter clinical development. The other choice
is to continue to fund the newco and retain all risks and rights. If that will be the case – what’s the point?
While I am grateful that AZ’s antibiotics research will
continue, albeit in a much more limited way, I continue to marvel at the
wrongheadedness of AZ’s CEO when it comes to antibiotics and value. I
understand the pressure AZ feels from investors and shareholders. But antibiotics have value today and will
produce even more value tomorrow. They
are less risky to develop and now have the same sorts of inexpensive and quick
pathways to market as the more risky oncology drugs. Have I missed something
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